Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall Break

It's fall break this week for the girls. I have a list of possible activities to do for entertainment to hopefully keep us occupied for a whole week but today was a rainy sort of day and they were content to sit downstairs in the craft room with me and work on various creations. I LOVE days like this. There is a pot roast cooking and the smell is happily wafting through the house, there was no fighting, no whining, just lots of coloring and gluing and cutting and proud "look what I made". I joined in of course and worked on some stamping projects while my mom took over my sewing machine. I made some Halloween cards. This one I am not too sure about

I like this one much better!

Next on my list are some Halloween treats for the girl scouts meeting next Monday and maybe some teacher treats. Happy fall y'all!


Alhambra Club said...

Great cards, love them both.

Jana Weaver said...

Very cute cards! LOve that cat...makes me think of my own black kitty!! Enjoy fall break!


blah said...

Love both of them! Man, I could use a Fall Break :-)

My Paper World said...

Great cards!

Gainesville Small Engine Repair said...

Great readding this