Friday, October 26, 2007


I am very grateful for fall break - even though I have not had much time to myself I also
-have not had to check the clock constantly to make sure we are on time for our next activity,

-have not been nearly as stressed as past weeks (though as the week draws to a close and I start to realize all the things the next week entails my stress levels return)

-have not had to listen to the girls fighting nearly as much - they have actually spent quality time together this week

so it's been our last breath drawn before the craziness of the holiday season begins. The cards I have made this week have been along the same "grateful" line - is it just me that tends to get reflective this time of year?

As I am chair for the library PTA I usually make a bunch of cards for the volunteers to thank them for their time so I am playing with different card ideas to make for those too (I have to make 50 so I don't want them to be too involved...).
Next week we plunge back into a mad flurry of activities - it's my younger DD's birthday, Halloween, the birthday party (the tea party), older DD has a Native American day at school (on Halloween) where they were coming in costume and doing various activities which I will be helping at, after school enrichment classes, and stamp camp...... so today I take one last quiet deep breath and be thankful for this week of calm before the storm begins again.

1 comment:

Melissa's Stampin' Spot said...

I'm grateful for you 8-)!! - Awesome cards as always!