My younger DD has requested a tea party for her 7th birthday this year. " A REAL tea party mum with REAL cups that you can REALLY eat and drink from. And they need to be LIGHT pink NOT dark pink" Well how could I turn down a tea party? I am guessing that this is my last chance to do such a party and when I think of the pinkness and the tulle and the cupcakes and the mini sandwiches and the fruit cups and I get all tingly myself just thinking about it- should be easy right??? WRONG!! Have you ever actually gone out and looked for a light pink real tea set that doesn't cost your life savings?? It's not nearly as easy as you would think - at least not in the great US of A - maybe in England or Australia.... but not here. I searched and searched, had friends, relatives and acquaintances - people I'd barely met - searching everywhere from online, to department stores to Goodwill - nothing!! I thought I had found one set - but alas it was too dark pink - not LIGHT pink as specified. So I finally gave up - found the one store online that had reasonably priced tea sets, sat her down in front of the computer and we picked out this one
way more $$ than I was hoping to spend but there comes a time when the price is much cheaper than the amount of time and stress and effort that you are putting out. So step one is done! Next was the invitations..... oh did I mention this is a "pink poodle tea party"? Yes well where I am supposed to fit the pink poodles in I haven't quite worked out yet. I did get one on the invitations
and I guess that I can make them cup cake toppers. She wants to play "pass the poodle" which is from what I gather a musical game where you pass the poodle around the circle and when the music stops the person holding the poodle gets the prize - I still have so much to learn! Now that I have the tea set though I think the rest will be much easier - it's got to be! If you have any cute recipes/ideas for food I would love to hear them.
Very cute card Yvette...and I LOVE the tea set! You'll have so much fun with this one!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
That tea set is adorable and love your pink poddle card. Sorry I don't have any receipes but sure pink cupcakes will work.
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