It's been 13 yrs since I last had a puppy and OMG I had forgotten how they TOTALLY take over your life! It's like having a 9 month old baby in your house - you know when they start crawling and get into everything and you can't leave them alone for a second because you don't know what they'll get into next??? Yup! That's my life at the moment. Baby gates and all. And so needless to say I have gotten NOTHING done in the past week - barely check my emails, can't sweep the floors without him attacking the broom and thanks goodness for crock-pots or my family would be fending meals for themselves. He has 3 modes of existence - either he's napping, in what I like to call lunatic mode (can't sit still for a second and has to bite or chew or chase or dig) or wants to snuggle.

Now granted I love a snuggling puppy but I just can not sit with a dog on my lap all day long!
But I do love him and he is very cute!
But I need some time off!!!!
So yesterday when my husband got home I left him in charge and locked myself downstairs to make a card for a swap that I am late for. This is one of the Sale-a-bration sets that you can get for free in February.

It's very simple but that's about all I can manage at the moment. I used the new SU felt flowers in the center of the large flower. Love them! Wish they came in more colors.
Well it's nap time at the moment for Finnegan so I need to quickly try and get something done around here....
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