Okay - I'll admit it..... I can't do it all!! Yes I thought if I could just try a little harder, stay up a little later, be a little more productive then I could keep up with everything but unfortunately the forces are against me and I am admitting defeat! Funnily enough it feels like a release to say that! So I surrender - the house is a mess, the dishes in the sink, the kids are sick, there are cards unmade and unsent, projects uncompleted and that's just the way it is and I'll just tackle what I can or what HAS to be done and the rest will have to wait.
I did manage to get this made by the date it was requested ....

a card and matching envelope and I used lots of the new rub-ons which were fun. As for the rest...... eventually it will get done.
Hope your days are happy ones!
Hang in there chick!! It's all good and I'm sure everyone and everything will understand!! Thinking of you! p.s. love the card 8-)!
Great card Yvette. It's good to admit that you can't do it all and to figure out where you can cut back! Good luck - and many huggs!! :-)
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