Thursday, January 25, 2007

Australia Day

January 26th is Autralia day (kind of like 4th July) - I know that in the US that's not till tomorrow but since they are a day ahead it's already today.... if you follow....anyway - more inportantly it's my baby sister's birthday on Australia day :o) - which means the whole country takes the day off for her birthday every year!

This is a self portrait of my beautiful sis in all her coolness :o)

Happy Birthday Janine!!!!

Missing you and hoping we can have coffee and a chat really soon!

This has been crazy insane week at our house and I am looking forward to the weekend when I can take a break - at least that's what I'm deluding myself will happen..... But first I have to finish getting ready for my SAS tomorrow and clean the house - at least the bit people will see :o)

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