Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pay it Forward

Have you seen this going round in blog world? I think it is the coolest idea and I an excited to be able to play. I first saw this on Melissa's blog but I missed out on playing with her but managed to get in on Sarah's So here are the rules

1. Leave a comment here on my blog requesting to join in the pay it forward exchange.
2. The first three people to leave a comment agreeing to join in will recieve a handmade gift from me with in 365 days.
3. You pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

You have a whole year to do it (which I personally am very thankful for) and it can be anything at all - how fun is that?? So come on and join in and

Pay it forward!


Jana Weaver said...

Count me in on this one!! I can commit to a handmade gift in 1 year. :-)


pink-petal-designs said...

Hi Yvette, im not taking part im just wanting you details if you could email them to me please.
Sarah xx

Melissa's Stampin' Spot said...

what am I getting myself into?? But a whole year to do it?? Alright so you pulled my leg... Pay me forward...

pink-petal-designs said...

Yvette, i love your notepad holders, i was just having a nose round your blog for ideas of what to send to you, they are great!!
Sarah x

Leslie said...

One year, I'm in! I love this idea! Love your ideas Yvette! Have a good weekend!