Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Taking a time out....

I have a teenage daughter...........

She is exhibiting textbook teenage behaviors......

Sometimes I need a time out.......

So the other day - rather than attack the piles of laundry, or clean something that desperately needed cleaning, or curl into the fetal position and never come out...... I made something - because making things is what reduces my stress levels - plus I can close the door to the craft room and pretend that I don't hear the activity from upstairs as my darling husband takes a turn of coping with a teenage daughter - being an only child this is ALL new ground for him!

I decided that the girls bathroom needed new bath mats - and so that's what I made
patchwork bath mats

It's just fabric squares (300 or so) backed with some old towels. It's not the neatest quilt project I've made (terry toweling is not the best fabric to work with...) but it gave me the time out I needed to be able to venture back into the battleground. Plus it makes me smile every time I walk past their bathroom :)


*Todd, Kim and Tyler* said...

Ahh Yvette... I've needed many timeouts the past few weeks with Tyler. We are not quite at teen status but I'm behind you with pre-teen. Grrr... Lets do lunch or go hibernate sometime!!! Just know, you aren't going through this alone! Your a great mum... so hold your head up high!

Carla Wilkerson said...

Oh, I just LOVE everything you make. I need to take notes from you and take some time outs for myself. Or better yet let you make me stuff during your time outs! ;)